How much time do I have to complete the mission ? 

When you choose a job online, the system assigns a specific deadline for its completion. It is therefore imperative that you take the time to read the information provided carefully, and that you scrupulously respect the deadline specified for each job.

If you need extra time, you can extend your job yourself, within the parameters set when you schedule each job.

Here’s how:

  • Go to the “My missions” tab;
  • Click on the “Extend my mission” button;
  • A pop-up window will show you the number of days that have been added to your mission.

Please note: A maximum number of days is programmed for each mission, and some missions do not allow extensions.

For any extension requests that are not authorized by the platform, please contact us by e-mail at and we will be happy to study your request and, if possible, adjust the extension for you.