What should I do if I have selected the wrong mission? 

In case you have selected the wrong mission (for example, the wrong bus route), it is possible to change it. 

If you have not completed the questionnaire: 

  • Log in to your mystery shopper account; 
  • Go to the “My Missions” tab; 
  • Click on the selected mission (the wrong mission); 
  • Click on “Cancel Mission”; 
  • Return to the “Missions” tab; 
  • Find the mission you want to complete; 
  • If it is still available, click on “Accept Mission”; 
  • Complete the mission. 

If you have already completed the questionnaire: 

  • Contact us by email at info@lanla.com 
  • Provide us with: 
    • Your user email address 
    • The mission completed by mistake 
    • The mission you initially wanted to complete 

Our team will do its best to make the change to your mystery shopper account if the desired mission is still available.